Saturday, February 24, 2007

Yang Mekar di Tamanku

Simply means the ones that blooms in my garden. My dear wife blooms daily there in. My children bloom there in too daily. My friends too. But this blog is dedicated to the flowers that bloom in my garden. What they mean to me and my life.

I am a healer and my plants heal people. Indeed they do. The flowers heals by imparting fragrance that fills the air and this is indeed therapeutic. The values that belie within the leaves, the stem, the roots, the flowers, the fruits and the seeds has healed many before us and should continue to heal those present and after us.

This little garden has some 500 different species of plants that has medicinal values to my people. I have collected them over the past 7 years and for the past four months I have given them a full dedication to caring and nurturing them to health and splendour.

Daily I shall post the flower that are showy in my garden and give you a run down of each one as I understand them from the language they speaks.

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